Sv. Michala 38
934 01 LEVICE
Tel/Fax: 00421-36-6334230
The Hungarian Christian Grammar School in Levice is situated in the centre of Levice, in a nice area. The school provides general education. This is what we offer: preparations in the mother tongue for the final examinations and university entrance examinations, in the name of faith, through educational means suitable for European standards, in a pleasant and cozy environment.
Our priorities are as follows: commitment, tradition, education, high quality, European mentality.
Our goals are as follows:
- the application of an education program that is in agreement with the expectations of our students and their parents
- the satisfaction and success of our students concerning their further education
- attractive, modern education by means of the regular application of information and communication devices
- the support of our talented students, the improvement of the abilities and skills of our students
- the fostering of our national culture through our partnership with other schools in Hungary and in the European Union, and simultaneously the emphasis of European citizenship
- the making of our school the cultural centre of the young and of the town of Levice
In the course of the last years, we have achieved many remarkable results. Our students have been successful at competitions in subjects like the Hungarian Language, the English Language, the German Language, the Slovak Language, History, Mathematics, Physics, or Biology. We have also taken part in different sports competitions.
Our students are also successful in the final examinations. 90% of them continue with their studies at a university.
Our partners who assist our work: the Reformed Church in Levice, the Pázmány Foundation, the Homeland Fund, the Bona Causa Foundation, etc.
We participate in projects:
- Lifelong Learning Program
– Comenius multilateral school partnership (10 partners from Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Macedonia and Italy)
- The modernization of the teaching process in secondary schools
– by the support of the European Social Fund
- Euroscola program
– European Parliament program
- Program for the reimbursement of travel expenses
Our equipment:
- assembly hall, modern classrooms
- up-to-date library with approximately 2000 books
- modern language laboratory
- IT classroom - interactive board
- access to the Internet in all the classrooms (wi-fi)
- chemistry and physics laboratories
- modern information and communication devices – laptops, projectors
Foreign languages taught at our school:
Additional afternoon courses: English, Spanish, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Sport, IT, Music, Arts, Robotics, Comenius, Geography, etc.
School life:
- partner schools in Hungary: in Debrecen and in Miskolc
- educational trips to the metropolises of Europe: Paris, Vienna, Rome, Budapest
- skiing holiday
- celebration in the church at the beginning and end of the school year - prom in the church
- inauguration ceremony of the first-graders
- student party - quiet days
- open days for the future students
- ball for parents, teachers and school friends
- choir, student band - folk dance, ballroom dance - dramatic group
What makes us different from other schools?
- emphasis on Christianity
- the fostering of our national identity and culture
- our pleasant, student-centered, cheerful life
What about joining us?